Thursday, July 24, 2008


The other night I was talking to my mother, and she asked if we had started packing for the trip. A week before leaving? Are you kidding? She said she would be mostly packed by now.

What would you wear for that week?

But I am getting my gadgets in order.

Here's what I need to travel:

That's a laptop (which is really too big, but I went crazy picking it out), ipod, cellphone (old one standing in for current one, which is taking the picture), DS, and a good, old fashioned book.

I always make sure I have a decent game on the laptop, which I never play during the trip. The laptop sits in the hotel and we're out running around. At night I might have enough energy to transfer pictures, upload them, and check email.

I have to make sure the ipod is updated, that I have all the current podcasts and at least 15 hours of audiobooks, as well as current music. This could take a couple of hours right there. I will have to do some shopping both on iTunes and Audible, and making playlists that are energetic but not too hard rock, or soothing for sleeping on the plane, or stuff that Elizabeth won't mind listening to... well, it's a fair amount of organization.

The DS needs a game that will last the trip, and I do a fair amount of DS gaming while traveling, either on the plane or while waiting for Elizabeth to shop. Last year's vacation had me working through Elite Beat Agents, which is a crappy game to just whip out on a moment's notice. It depends on sound (it's a rhythm game) so I had to have headphones, then Elizabeth would have to grab me to tell me she was done, as I couldn't hear her. So I ditched that for Puzzle Quest and got most of the way through that. This year I get to play Shiren the Wanderer. W00T!

Then there is the book. I don't understand the Kindle or the Sony e-book readers. I bring the book for the period on the plane when they tell me to shut off all electronic devices. That's usually about a half an hour to 45 minutes where any active electronic devices will cause us all to go up in a fiery plane crash. Well, not really, but who wants to prove it? So if you've got an e-book reader you're SOL. Elizabeth goes through so many books that a good portion of her luggage weight is books. I usually bring two and some magazines.

The new phone actually has a "Flight mode" so you can disable all wireless aspects of it, but still use it as a Walkman, camera, and to play games. I know I've had a flight attendant tell me to shut something off, and even though I can say it doesn't emit anything, they don't care and don't have time to argue with you. Shut if off or they're taking it. I don't think the obvious cell phone being fiddle with is even going to get that much courtesy.

Actually, the new phone is another story that I will leave for another day. Maybe tomorrow.

Then I have to make sure that everything is charged and I have packed the chargers. The cellphone isn't any good if the battery is dead.

I have to clean out the laptop bag to get it as light as possible. Obviously I don't need school papers in there, but pens, business cards (you never know), and some paper are always good.

The cables, memory, headphones, and accessories then all go into the laptop bag. It's a lot of stuff.

So yes, Mom, I have started packing.

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